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Friday, July 9, 2010

DAY TEN (John 10)

In Chapter 10 of John’s Gospel, we find Jesus' words polarizing the people.  In no uncertain terms, Jesus is claiming to be the one way to God. How true is this today?  My experience is that  Christianity’s claim of exclusivity—that is the teaching that Jesus is the only way to God-- is the biggest objection people have with the claims of Christ.  Regardless of whether or not you accept that teaching, it is clearly what Jesus taught and what the Bible claims.  Despite a growing movement that looks for the common ground among such religions as Judaism, Islam and Christianity, the claims of each are simply incompatible with one another. 

It’s interesting that the interfaith movement that holds their view of God is superior and their insistence that the difference among the various religions is unimportant is, itself an exclusive claim.  All religions can be wrong, but they cannot all be right.  That is an untenable position.  It makes no more sense then saying this Jesus who John quotes and writes about was simply a “good teacher”.  If he is not God in flesh, (see John 1:14) his claims to be so, either make him a lair or a very self-diluted man.  Either of these conclusions stands in stark contrast to a good teacher. 

After Jesus spells out who he really is and the purpose for which he came to earth, He says in verse 27-- My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they will never perish.  That leaves us with the same pointed question that caused such great division in Jesus’ day; who is this Jesus to you? 

As you close your time, look ahead to John 20:31 and recall the purpose of John in writing this Gospel.  Is that any different then our purpose during these few moments we call life?  Think about our times and culture and this recession that we have been navigating through.  Ever person around you today has the same longing you and I have---for hope, to be truly loved and for purpose.  I am finding these days such a renewed interest in spiritual conversations no matter where people are with Jesus. 

Ask God to make you a good listener as he points you to people today that might be more open then ever to this Jesus who calls himself the sacrifice and the only way to the Father. His only agenda is to love people into the kingdom of God so he can be with them.  Listen to His voice, continue to get to know him and follow Him.  That’s what his sheep do.

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