There are lots of ways to change the world--pick one!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

DAY SIX (John 6)

John 6 records the feeding of the 5,000.  The theme of this story is one that is repeated again and again in the bible.  It is the theme of a big problem solved by a big God.  God seems to love the moments of dilemma—the places where we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place.   Why?  Because it's in those times that a problem or issue in life looms so large that its impossibility is easily recognized.  It’s God’s way of getting us to look up.  Are there any things in your life right now that apart from God, there really is no good solution?  If so, then you have an opportunity to watch God do what he does best. 

Whenever we face a seemingly impossible situation or problem we also face a great choice.  We can either choose to be consumed by the problem or hand it over to God and ask him to take the reigns.  God asks only two things.  One, that you contribute whatever it is you can as a step of faith and, two, that you trust God completely.  God loves to use whatever we offer, no matter how meager or small. It’s never the substance of our contribution that matters; it’s the faith that clings to God as we turn over whatever it is we have.  And remember, He never requires more then we can give but never blesses less.  God wants us “all in”. 

I love Andrew’s dilemma.  He says “I have something to give, but what good is it really?”   In Andrew’s hands---it counts for nothing.  In God’s hands, it becomes an unlimited resource.  Notice the turning point in the story?  It was Jesus taking the loaves and fish.  Do the things you have to offer sometimes feel like they’re worth so little—that in the face of a world of such great need or in light of a particular problem, it feels like anything you might do or offer is just a drop in the bucket?  Let Jesus take them and then step back and watch him multiply it. 

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